i-MASK Europe is the approved wholesale distributor of i-MASK Protective Eyewear throughout The Netherlands, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany.
i-MASK is available at a growing number of retail sporting outlets, including some squash clubs.
Check our APPROVED RESELLERS & stockists below to find your nearest one.
Recrean Sportcentrum
Jan Vercammen
Eindrieskaai 26, 9700 Oudenaarde
Email: jan@recrean.be
Phone: +32 55 31 93 00
The Loft Sportcentrum
Julienn Vandendooren
Gefusilleerdenlaan 14, 9600 Ronse
Email: wouter.vandenabeele@skynet.be
Phone: +32 55 20 77 13
Vision 21 Sportcentrum
Steve Schrauwen
Vierwegstraat 194, 8800 Roeselare
Email: steve@vision21.be
Phone: +32 51 20 20 30
Winners Brussel
Luc Pellegrini
Bonneelsstraat 13, 1210 Brussels
Email: luc@winnerssports.be
Phone: +32 2 280 02 70
QSS Quality Squash Stores
Contact: Jard BALJET
163, W.A. Scholtenlaan
Phone : 0031 (0)85 760 01 06
E-Mail : info@qss-squash.nl
Website : www.qss-squash.nl